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Hager Werken +27786655025 Embalming Compound Powder price ... Hager Werken White and pink embalming

Hager Werken +27786655025 Embalming Compound Powder price ... Hager Werken White and pink embalming

Festival Details - "Hager Werken +27786655025 Embalming Compound Powder price ... Hager Werken White and pink embalming "...

Start: Monday, July 8, 2024 4:30PM
End: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 8:45PM

Hager Werken Embalming Powder is a well-known brand of embalming powder used by funeral homes and morticians. It is important to ensure that the embalming powder you are using is of high quality and will provide the best results for the preservation of the deceased. In this article, we will discuss the factors that affect the quality and purity of Hager Werken Embalming Powder.

1. Raw materials: The quality of the raw materials used to manufacture the embalming powder will greatly affect its overall quality. Hager Werken uses only high-quality raw materials to produce their embalming powder.

2. Manufacturing process: The manufacturing process of the embalming powder should be carefully controlled to ensure that the final product is of consistent quality. Hager Werken follows strict quality control procedures during the production of their embalming powder.

3. Age of product: The age of the embalming powder can also affect its quality. Fresh embalming powder will generally be of higher quality than older powder. It is important to check the expiration date on the product before use.

4. Storage conditions: The storage conditions of the embalming powder can also affect its quality. The powder should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture and other environmental factors from affecting its quality.

By considering these factors, you can ensure that you are using a high-quality and pure product, such as Hager Werken Embalming Powder, to provide the best care for the deceased.

It is important to note that embalming powder should only be used by licensed professionals, and it is illegal in some countries. Be sure to follow all applicable laws and regulations when using embalming powder.

Price range and its features

1 kilo of hager warken embalming powder is 300–700 dollars.

Specific uses are: sanitization, presentation and preservation (or restoration).

Types of embalming powder is dependent on the purity and color.

Purity: 98%, 100%

Hot Compound

Origin: Germany

Brand: Hager Werken


Pink: 98%

White: 100%

Hager werken products are sold through the Dental trade worldwide

Highly effective external embalming powder.

Controls odors, preserves tissue and kills insects.

Inhibits mold and mildew.

Use Paulex Powder in caskets, body bags mausoleums and whenever external embalming is needed.

1 lbs plastic container.

Please Call +27786655025 / whatsapp

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